How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helped Me Reverse Chronic Health Conditions
Perhaps you’ve heard the term ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ over recent years and wondered what all the hype is about. I’m here to tell you that it’s not some trendy diet trend about anti-inflammatory foods or crazy fad (or really even a diet at all!), rather a holistic way to naturally support your body and just about any chronic illness you may be experiencing. And it’s likely easier than you think!
I can confidently say that transitioning to an anti-inflammatory diet has been the No. 1 thing that’s not only completely changed my life, but has reversed my chronic health conditions of leaky gut, IBS (I wrote about both in “how a food writer healed her digestion woes,” hypothyroidism, PCOS (hormonal imbalance) and insulin resistance.
What Is Inflammation?
Simply put, inflammation is the body’s natural response to protect itself against harm. For example, acute inflammation happens when you cut your finger. There’s visible redness, swelling and pain. This is a healthy and much needed response in the body during a time of crisis, but then it goes away.
However, chronic inflammation doesn’t go away. Due to all kinds of stressors — toxins from our food supply, cigarette smoke, chemicals in our cleaning and beauty products, extra body fat, chronic stress, recurring infections and over-reactive immune systems, to name a few — your body stays in a ongoing state of inflammation.
As a result, our cells start attacking our body and cause a host of diseases and debilitating conditions, including but not limited to: rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, digestive disorders (from IBD and IBS to ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), asthma, ulcers, hay fever, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even cancer.
Even if you don’t have one of these serious diseases, you could still be experiencing chronic inflammation (that, in turn, could potentially lead to a more serious disease down the road) if you have any of the following symptoms:
Fatigue or loss of energy
Digestive problems like gas, diarrhea, bloating or constipation
Skin problems like eczema or psoriasis, or generally red/blotchy skin
Brain fog, depression or anxiety
High blood glucose levels
Excess fat around your abdomen
While that all may sound scary, the great news is there is so much you can do to reverse these conditions and reduce inflammation. The biggest game changer? Your diet!
What Is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
Health starts with food.
Think of it like this: the food we eat can either be inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. When we eat inflammatory foods, our body’s immune response flares up, creating acute inflammation. When we continue to eat that way, it never gets “turned off.”
But when we eat anti-inflammatory foods, we reduce the inflammation in our body, and thus reduce any symptoms caused by inflammation and, ultimately, our risk for chronic disease. YES!
25 Jun 2024