
Premier Dr. Phophi Ramathuba delivered a powerful keynote address at the Heritage Day Celebration held at Ga-Ramokgopa Stadium

Premier Dr. Phophi Ramathuba delivered a powerful keynote address at the Heritage Day Celebration held at Ga-Ramokgopa Stadium in the Molemole Local Municipality, Capricorn District. Under the theme "Celebrating the Lives of Heroes and Heroines Who Laid Down Their Lives for Our Freedom," Premier Ramathuba emphasised the significance of preserving cultures and languages.

She noted, “This province is not only a reservoir of natural beauty but also a repository of rich cultural traditions that have stood the test of time. Heritage Day is more than a commemoration; it is a day to reflect on the legacy that our forebears have entrusted to us. Our heritage is the thread that binds us to our ancestors, to our culture, and to one another. It is through celebrating our heritage that we preserve our history, traditions, and languages, and it is through this preservation that we ensure that our children and their children have a sense of who they are.” #HeritageDay #HeritageMonth2024 #7thAdministration #LeaveNoOneBehind #LetsGrowLimpopoTogether